Aurélien is starting his permanent INRAE Research Director position at Institute Sophia Agrobiotech, Nizza, France, while remaining associated with UniKoeln!

June 2021: Sofia Somoza (M.Sc.) from Argentina has joined the group with a DAAD fellowship!

March 15th 2021: Dr. Tim Jobe from the US has joined the group!

December 2020: DFG Heisenberg program started!

June 2020: Habilitation / Venia legendi obtained!
XXVIIth Minisymposium Cancelled!

Unfortunately, the XXVIIth minisympsoium on Plant Biology, my colleagues and I spent time preparing was cancelled due to COVID-19.
Hopefully, we will get another chance to meet and hear these great invited speakers!
Jens's manuscript about the conservation of CWI-related RLKs during land plant evolution was accepted in Current Biology!

Full text of first version is available here:
Our XXVIth Minisymposium is coming soon!

Our XXVth Minisymposium is coming soon!

January 10th 2019: Jens brillantly defended his PhD!
Christina's paper in The Plant Cell is now online!!
We also wish her best of luck for her postdoc in Cyril Zipfel's new lab at the University of Zürich.
Team Escape May 2018

March 2018: proud to see our brand new review in Annual Review of Plant Biology.
Plant Malectin-Like Receptor Kinases: From Cell Wall Integrity to Immunity and Beyond.
Franck CM, Westermann J, Boisson-Dernier A.
Annu Rev Plant Biol. 2018 Mar 14.
doi: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-042817-040557.
January 15th 2018: Christina Maria Franck successfully defended her PhD!
December 2017: two nice collaborative papers accepted in Plant Cell & Science!
go check them out:
September 2017: Last paper of the group online.
see it here: